Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tick Tock, It's Wine O'clock

Tick tock.
It's wine o'clock.
Time for a glass of wine I think.
Now shall it be white, red or pink?

I yell at the kids, "Don't you whine!"
It's the hour for Mum's wine time.
"Whoever hides the corkscrew needs to stop."
Oh thank God for inventing the screw top.

Whatever the weather, never mind the reason.
Wonderful, cheap wine is always in season.
With kids around it's hard to stay sane.
It must be time for bottled sanity again.

Whether it's GMT or PST or EST or PMS
My intellect allows for a calculated guess.
There's something hard-wired in my brain
That says, "Oh, it must be wine time again."

As I hear the hubby's car pull up to the fence,
I collect the empty bottle to conceal the evidence.
But whatever the time of day, month or year,
He invariably asks, "Been on the wine again dear?"


  1. Sometimes we just have one of those days. Enjoy your relaxation.

  2. Cheers! (And boy, can I relate!) *tink* glug glug glug. :)

  3. Cheers to you too WebVixn! xxx

  4. Oh mate, you sure do have a talent. Really enjoyed the poem as well as your lard post. Such a great laugh, I felt like I was there in the mountains with you, but thankfully was safely here in oz;) Rose
